Helpful Resources
No matter what you are going through there are people who desire to walk with you on this journey, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. At Bloom Church, we have small groups called Life Groups that meet all throughout the month that are very helpful in building relationships and community. This is where we learn more about Jesus and how to live a life filled with purpose, freedom and joy. Sometimes though, we all need some extra help and support.
Here are a list of trained counsellors, places, websites and organizations that may help you with your current situation. If you need help finding someone that best suits you and your situation please contact a Pastor.
Christian Life Coach and Enneagram Coach
- Deanna Sudom: or (306) 551-1865
Stephan Bouwer – Counsellor
- 306-596-3833
Jody Coucill – Counsellor
- | 306-501-5958
Michael Velecky – Counsellor
- |
Larissa Raine – Counsellor
- /306-203-4547
SYMBIS – Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
- Wade and Deanna Sudom – 306-551-1865
- John and Kaeli Yoo –, 306-209-8923
- Suné and Pieter Minnaar –, 306-351-1879
- The following resources offer help to understand the danger of porn, stories from those who have found freedom, and advice for how to protect your marriage and your children from pornography.
- Dealing with Sexual Addiction, Pornography, Adultery for Men and Women
- Online Mentoring and Counselling
- Sexual Addiction, Marriage Counselling, Addictions, Family Counselling, General Counselling
- Dr. Dave Currie 1-604-556-1116
Teen Challenge Canada is a 12-month, faith-based, in-residence drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, for adults 18+, that is part of a network of over 19 Teen Challenge Centres across Canada and more than 1,400 worldwide.
- Rehabilitation for all addictions including sex, drugs, alcohol, lying, stealing, gambling
- 1-866-377-7589 | 1-678-391-5950
- Conquer Series – Men gathering regularly to pursue a battle plan for sexual purity
- Cleansing Stream – Helping you become a disciple of Jesus who is free from negative strongholds
- The Genesis Project – Changing destructive behaviours in small groups and/or one‑to‑one
Harvest City Church in Regina, SK.